- one 2-days meeting (workshop) of the Entire Research Team at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, on 2nd-3rd November 2023, where the results of 2 research years in the project were presented to the entire research team and invited external experts: Prof. Johan Boucht from Norwegian Business School in Oslo, Prof. Martin Heger from Humboldt University in Berlin, Prof. Holger Matt from the European CriminalBar Associationand Prof. Frank Meyer from the University in Heidelberg (discussion, English),
- two meetings of the research coordinators and junior researchers on 13th October and 14th November 2023 (discussion on the preparing and the results of the workshop in Poznań)
- 3 publications of PI (Elżbieta Hryniewicz-Lach) appeared:
- on Kryminalizacja posiadania składników majątku pochodzących z nieujawnionych źródeł [Criminalization of possession of assets from undisclosed sources]. In: J.Cz. Bojarski, N. Daśko, J. Lachowski, T. Oczkowski, A. Ziółkowska (eds), Współczesne oblicza prawa karnego, prawa wykroczeń, kryminologii i polityki kryminalnej. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesor Violetcie Konarskiej-Wrzosek, Warszawa 2023 (Polish)
- on Confiscation of assets in the EU – legal or (just) effective? In: Archives of Criminology 2023 (DOI 10.7420/AK2023.02), available as OA: https://czasopisma.inp.pan.pl/index.php/ak/article/view/3762/2712(English)
- on Extensions of asset confiscation in EU criminal law. In: European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 2023 Vol. 31, Issue 3 (10.1163/15718174-bja10046) pp. 243-266, available as OA: https://brill.com/view/journals/eccl/31/3-4/article-p243_003.xml (English)
- PI took part in:
- Workshop on hard cases in implementation of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1805, RECOVER (JUST-2022-JCOO (EU) / Project 101091375 co-funded by the Justice Program of the EU 2021-2027), Milan 29.11.2023 (English)
- Seminar: Dissemination of the 1st year’s results of the RECOVER project on “Mutual recognition of freezing and confiscation orders between efficiency and the rule of law”- Regulation (EU) 2018/1805 (JUST-2022-JCOO (EU)/ Project 101091375 co-funded by the Justice Program of the European Union 2021-2027), Milan 29.11.2023 (English)
Photos by Katarzyna Holik (Meeting of the Entire Research Team, 2nd-3rd November 2023, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan)