- two on-line meetings of the Entire Research Team on 1 st July 2022 (Research Coordinator
No. 2 presented results of his analysis of country reports on the relation between legal
principles and extended confiscation, drawing particular attention to the principles of:
legality, proportionality and presumption of innocence; Research Coordinator No. 3
presented results of her analysis of country reports on the relation between right to property
and extended confiscation, drawing attention also to other issues, which shall be included in
the research: the right to privacy and the exclusion from protection of certain rights of
persons included in the boycott lists of the European Union on a base of an argument of
abuse of rights) and on 15 th September 2022 (Research Coordinator No. 4 presented results
of his analysis of country reports on procedural aspects of asset confiscation, pointing at
particular importance of the procedural guarantees of third party; Principal Investigator
presented results of her analysis on the EU legislative competence in the field of asset
confiscation; summary of the first year of cooperation in the project; planning the activities
in the second project year; discussion, English), - one on-line meeting of Research Coordinators and Junior Researchers: 29 th September 2022
to discuss current research tasks (Polish), - collecting updated country reports 11 out of 13 country reports are ready, 2 other are in the
final stage of cooperation (the Entire Research Team, English), - presenting a paper on Practical Application of the EU Criminal Law in Poland – with particular
reference to extended confiscation at the conference: Balance and Perspective of EU Criminal
Law and its Application in Member States, held on the occasion of the Czech Presidency of
the Council of the European Union, Prague 26.09.2022, the paper submitted to publishing
(Elżbieta Hryniewicz-Lach, English), - planning activities in 2 nd year of the project: discussion on contributions of members of the
Entire Research Team on extended confiscation, updating country reports, elaborating
preliminary conclusions based on country reports in a written form, organising an non-online
meeting in Poznań in order to discuss preliminary conclusions and work on the concept of a
common publication (the Entire Research Team, English).